Block paved patios follow the same specification as the drives,the only difference is 75mm less hardcore.
The existing area will be excavated 120mm below ground level.
The entire area coved in a nylon sheet.
We then hand mix a 5 part sand 1 part cement screed. This will give you a solid hassle free base.
This is screeded and your chosen product laid.
The existing area will be excavated 165mm below ground level.
The entire area will be covered with a nylon sheet.
Lay and compact 75mm of type 1 granite hardcore.
Hand mix a wet 5 part sand 1 part cement mix.
Your chosen product will be laid individually on the wet sand and cement mix.
If you chose a product that requires pointing,then we use a pointing compound (not sand and cement).
Style are proud to have received awards from both Brett and Bradstone